Saturday, August 1, 2009

He's official!

Nolan has been bugging us for quite sometime about getting his own set of golf clubs and today they showed up. At night time he takes them out and puts them in the back of the car by his dad's so he's ready. He goes out and tells them good night before he goes to bed and then when he wakes up he goes and tells them good morning (what a little whip!). He is excited to go out and start using them.


Raylene said...

Nolan!!! Your golf clubs are GREAT!!! You need to take really good care of them and practice so you can beat your dad ok?
Keep in touch with us so we know how your practice is coming along. We love you..G & G Hansen

Beth said...

Surprise much!!! (not really!) I just have to comment on the retro music choices on your playlist! Love them!!! Brings back great memories of high school and the crowded, stiffling hot gym during dances! Thanks! :) By the way, I'm still waiting for pie!